“All the statistics in the world can’t measure the warmth of a smile.”

(Chris Hart)

It’s true. When “providing hope for a better financial future” is part of your vision, a smile can mean more than a number. But numbers do tell a story, or at least part of it. Since Common Wealth Charlotte went live in 2015, we’ve delivered a lot of hope. And some pretty good outcomes, too.

2020, 2021 and 2022 reflect programming throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Workshop Participation

26,000+ clients have participated in Workshops or Financial Navigator sessions.

One-to-One Counseling

8,000+ clients assisted through NACCC® certified financial counseling.

Loan Clients

Our 0%-interest, no-fee loans have helped 2,100+ clients (with a repayment rate of 95%, excluding COVID-19 loans).

To download these infographics, click here.

Loan Volume

$1,500,000+ total in 0%-interest, no-fee loans ($1,000 or lower) has helped our clients avoid financial emergencies and predatory lenders.